“There is a power under your control that is greater than poverty, greater than the lack of education, greater than all your fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it to whatever ends you may desire." Andrew Carnegie
Once upon a time I was reading about a widow who was about to starve to death with her children. She goes to the prophet for help and the prophet asks if she has anything in the house. “Just a little jar of oil” she says. The the prophet instructs her to go borrow as many bowls as possible and start pouring from the little jar. According to the bible, the oil continues flowing until all the bowls she gathered fill up and the flow stopped.
In order to become successful in life or create wealth and prosperity, you must recognise there's something in you or within you to trigger the flow. Many people will never make it big because they never look inward or seek within, where the true seed of success resides. But as you can see, it is the oil in the widow's house that got multiplied. So here's what you must understand and take away...
It is in you – No matter your situation right now and irrespective of what you're going through, prosperity is your destiny. You can turn things around and get on the path or recovery, by triggering that force within you. Your destiny is not in the hands of politicians and their crooked cronies.
You must do something – The jar of oil has always been in the widow's house (just as the talents and abilities to create amazing solutions are in all of us) but as far as she was concerned, there was nothing at home. Ignoring the little things has cost many a people loads of troubles resulting in the myriad of crisis they're battling with. Believe in yourself and calculated risks. Take action to improve yourself.
Don't ignore the small still voice – Before Julius Caesar was killed on the Ides of March, I am sure he ignored the "small still voice," and then ignored Calpurnia's dream. He went to the Capitol where he got killed. So, listen to your heart because you're not alone. Don't ignore the silent whisper.
Seek for help – Still you have to seek for help, but always start with yourself. There are times when the flood is close to the neck and you find yourself close to drowning. Don't waste time, my friend. Seek for help. The most successful people in the planet are the greatest askers. They ask questions. They seek for help and so should you. If anybody turns you down, don't take it personally. It simply means that person is not the right person to help you. Keep going. All successful people mastered the art of dealing with rejection.
To summarise, I don't really care what you believe but I know that there's something great in you and something special about you; you are bigger than you think, smarter than you know, stronger than you've been made to believe – it is in you. And although I may not have met you personally, I'm more than convinced that you're destined for greatness. Don't squander it. You must pay attention to yourself, listen to your inner voice, cherish your personal strengths and take more actions. Seeking for help is a sign of strength not failure as some people think. Don't die in silence. There's so much to live for.
Best of luck!